Nancy Talbott
P.O. Box 410051
Cambridge, MA 02141 USA
(617) 492-0415
a Crop Circle
Blackened Seed-Heads in Circle w/Same Bizarre Shape as UFO (posted OCTOBER, 2013)
Seed-heads in this 2006 B.C. (Canada) crop formation appear to be
only the 2nd case of actual "burning" of crop circle plants. A reliable
eyewitness reports a bizarrely-shaped UFO just before dawn of the same
day this circle--which had "exactly the same design" as the UFO--was
discovered later that day. A large green spherical UFO was photographed
from inside this circle & its rare lay pattern was also found duplicated in
another Canadian crop mark weeks later.
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2009 UK Crop Circles Show Effects of Plasma Discharge (posted APRIL
Plants in some of the most dramatic crop formations in England, 2009,
including some of the new "pictorial" designs, show clear evidence of exposure to microwaves. Four of the scientifically-documented, visible plant changes associated with authenticity are described in detail & illustrated in photos. Details >> |
Two Very Large Snow Formations Found in Holland (posted DECEMBER
"Crop circles" in snow have been reported occasionally but have never
before been as complex or as large as these two discovered near Hoeven.
Fieldworkers report no sign of human footprints, no marks in the centers
of the circular rings -- and close-up photos show the bottom inch or two
of snow in the rings to be intact.
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Two More Formations
on Vancouver Island, B.C. in 2008 (posted AUGUST
In the same area as the Quamichan Lake formation and within
10 miles of Duncan, B.C., two more crop formations have been
found. In one, intact dandelion seed-heads are found, in the
other standing clumps of plants wrapped like ribbon. A tube
of light is also reported. Details >> |
Minnesota Formations Associated with Aerial Light Phenomena (posted JULY
Although two crop formations which occurred near Fosston, MN in July of
2008 were both initially thought to be mechanically flattened upon field
investigation, a reliable report of an unusual aerial light witnessed quite
close at hand just 27 hrs. before the second formation occurred has
caused us to re-examine our initial conclusions. Details >> |
Canada Circle in Grasses
& Reintroduced Wild Prairie Species (posted JULY
Massive node-elongation found in crop formation near Quamichan
Lake in southern British Columbia. Only the previously cultivated
plants were affected, the native prairie plants left untouched.
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Amazing Events in Crop Circle Field at "Woodenhead" (posted JUNE
Witnesses see Robbert v/d Broeke disappear in front of them as a small
glowing red ball of light suddenly appears next to him out in a crop circle
field in southern Holland. Multiple crop formations appear in this field
over the summer, several with a strange white powder deposited in their
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