Although this very interesting formation was cut during
the first week of July it was thoroughly documented photographically
on June 29th by Michael Gintowt; see all of his photos at:
The first thing I noticed in Michael's photos was
the evidence of a very fluid, flowing lay in many parts of the formation:
It also seemed to me that, since these photos were
taken 3-4 weeks after the formation is known to have been
present in the field, the grasses were in remarkably good condition there is no evidence of them having been broken or mashed, no
dead plants which one would expect to have seen this long after
the circle was created if it had been mechanically flattened. Instead
the grasses appear lush and quite vibrant.
In particular, in some of the small circular areas
we can see that the grasses are often only partially flattened (again
with no evidence at all of damage), not lying flush to the ground.
And again, since the formation is known to have been present for
at least 3-4 weeks, how could these partially flattened areas fail
to reveal signs of bruising or heavier damage had they been mechanically
flattened originally? It might also be expected that these areas
would have recovered fully be standing upright again after 3-4 weeks--if
they had been created by mechanical means but not damaged during
that process. Instead, they seem to be entirely intact, as originally
In the photo above another feature is noted. Behind
the partially-downed clump in the foreground is a large circular
area of standing grasses surrounded by a flattened ring the
large diameter of the standing plants being uncommon in most crop
circles. The small circular components of the formation which are
quite flat to the ground are also interesting. In this small circle
it is clear there has been no plant damage; note also that the circle
"center" is decidedly off-center (not in the geometric center),
a characteristic often observed in many crop circles determined
to be genuine through scientific analysis of the plants and/or soils.
In the half-circle pictured above I also see evidence not only of an off-center "center" but also of a radial lay in the plants outside this particular component. A hint of the radial lay (a relatively unusual lay design) is again seen in the photo below:
There is more to be noted in this most intriguing
crop formation. The field in which the crop circle appeared is part
of a nature preseve, an area that was years ago wild prairie. According
to the two individuals with whom I've spoken (who visited the field
before the formation was cut) reintroduced clumps of once-indigenous
prairie species (photo above) could be seen scattered throughout
the formation. And as best I can tell from these anecdotal reports
(and from Michael's photographs), it appears that these reintroduced
indigenous species were not flattened it
was only the field grasses (sown by farmers once the prairie had
been settled and ploughed), which had gone down.
If this is actually what occurred in this field it
could account for the overall "patchy" appearance of the formation
in the aerial photographs. It might also have significance for those
of us trying to understand just what the crop circle phenomenon
"means." In an age when environmental pollution may have reached
critical levels (in this case perhaps calling attention to the possible
deleterious effects of pesticides and genetically-modified seed),
could this formation be an indicator (either as a spontaneously-occurring
result or even as a deliberately created message) that we should
be thinking more carefully about our food sources?
A final note. A local woman who wishes to remain anonymous
did gather some sample plants and controls and has provided BLT
Research with the following photos which clearly illustrate massively
elongated apical (top) nodes on the grasses flattened within the
formation (as compared to the controls outside).
Photo: BLT Research Team Inc. |
Extreme apical node elongation (and moderate bending) in sample plants from within
the Quamichan Lake, B.C. formation
Photo: BLT Research Team Inc. |
Apical node elongation is the most significant
and most thoroughly documented visible plant change found to-date
in crop circle plants; see:
It is thought to occur as a result of microwave radiation
(one of the energies hypothesized as being part of the causative
energy system which creates crop circles) instantaneously heating
up the moisture inside the plant stems, turning it to steam. As
the steam builds up in the upper nodes (apical nodes) the tissues being
the youngest and most elastic in the plant stem stretch and elongate,
allowing the steam to dissipate. Once the steam has evaporated,
the top nodes are left permanently in this stretched, elongated
Although this was the first crop circle ever seen
by our female fieldworker, she reported these stretched apical nodes
throughout the formation (an observation corroborated by a subsequent,
more seasoned, investigator who visited the site the following week).
She also observed, and photographed, a node change at the 2nd node
beneath the seed-head, one which she thought might be the beginning
of, or some version of, an expulsion cavity. Expulsion cavities
are holes blown out through the lower nodes of crop circle plants--since
the fibers lower down the stem are much tougher and do not stretch,
exploding instead, if the steam builds up sufficiently.
Possible steam effect at 2nd node beneath seed-head in crop circle plant stem
Photo: BLT Research Team Inc. |
We do not have the data to know for certain whether
this particular node change is related to exposure of these plants
to the energy system responsible for creating this crop formation
or not. The darkened area around the node is an indication that
a common opportunistic fungus called ustilago
(the spores of which attach themselves to exudate from inside the
plant stem and then turn the tissue dark brown or black as they
multiply) is present which suggests that there is at least a very
small hole through the external fibers of the plant stem into the
moist interior. But in this case we do not have enough evidence
to be certain.
Overall, a very interesting and complex crop formation.
I wish we had known of its existence in time to have carried out
a more intensive evaluation, but am grateful to everyone involved
in helping us gather the information we do now have.