"WOODENHEAD" #1, Addendum: White Powder
Date: June 28, 2007 - afternoon
On the afternoon of June 28 Robbert went to visit
the "Woodenhead" field on his motorbike. He went into
the first pictogram where he again noticed an "energy"
present, then moved on to look at the second "Thought-Bubble"
formation, where he stayed for about ½ hour. For some reason
he felt like re-visiting the first "Celtic cross" formation
and in its' center circle now found a large deposit of what looked
like more of the same white powder. Robbert is certain this deposit
was not present when he first arrived at the field that afternoon
and he neither saw nor heard anything unusual while in either formation
prior to discovering the new deposit of white powder.
#1 – Afternoon of June 28th. Robbert finds
deposit of
white powder in center circle of "Celtic cross"
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
#1 – Close-up of white powder.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
"WOODENHEAD" #4: Figure w/Flashing Eyes,
New "Dumbbell" Formation & More White Powder
Date: June 28-29, 2007
Crop: Wheat
By June 28th these events, in conjunction with Robbert's
continuing intuition that "more was coming," now had the
whole v/d Broeke family paying attention. Because they have all
lived for many years with a wide range of very strange circumstances
occurring around Robbert (and sometimes other members of the family),
they have developed what some people might perceive as a "relaxed,"
even "casual," response to many highly unusual events.
Even I (who am only with the family for 2-3 weeks every summer)
have noticed my own increasingly calm response to the amazing incidents
which regularly occur when I am present.
But by now it was clear to everybody that the summer
of 2007 was different. On the night of the June 28th Mr. and Mrs.
v/d Broeke, their daughter Madelon, Robbert , Ellen Gomez and her
husband Maurits all set off for the Bosschenhoofd field, again around
11 pm. For about an hour they all stood in the original formation,
thinking that perhaps they might see the red ball of light again.
At some point during this first hour Peter v/d Broeke
thought he saw a small white cloud down low over the field. He handed
his camera to Robbert with the idea that the camera, in Robbert's
hands, might record something there. But immediately the new batteries
in the camera failed. Peter retrieved another pack of new batteries
from his car, but these also failed immediately. He then drove home
(only about 10 minutes away) and brought back 3 more new sets of
batteries but all of these also failed immediately when Robbert
tried to take photographs.
Peter later asked me if I thought it was possible
that whatever it was that was "getting ready" to happen
needed energy—and was perhaps absorbing it from the batteries?
A reasonable question, I think, under the actual circumstances,
and one that many crop circle researchers have also asked over the
At the same time as the batteries were being drained
Robbert's younger sister Madelon, who is extremely sensitive to
these events (and who has witnessed dozens of bizarre manifestations
herself), first observed a "mirage effect" in the air
out over the field and then became so nauseous she had to leave
the field, returning with her father to their car. Mr. and Mrs.
Gomez, along with Mrs. v/d Broeke and Robbert stayed in the field,
still in the original "Celtic Cross" pictogram.
At about 12 midnight Robbert felt the need to walk
farther into the field, back toward the far edge where some trees
grow beside a bank at the edge of the airport's runway. As Robbert
left the group, his father and Madelon rejoined Ellen and her husband
and Mrs. v/d Broeke, all still standing in the original pictogram.
All the witnesses state that Robbert was still faintly visible as
a silhouette and the group watched him as he stood near the tree-line,
some 80-100m away.
After 10-15 minutes Robbert suddenly began running
back toward the group, clearly agitated, reporting that he had just
seen (visually, not in a "vision")
a figure which, at first, he took to be the farmer standing along
the tree-line. Although thoroughly startled, he had not actually
felt threatened, observing that the figure was as tall as a man
but that its body was indistinct (Robbert could see no clothing),
It was also surrounded by air which appeared distorted in the same
way the air around mirages appears to be. As the large, greyish-white
face with huge black, deep-set eyes slowly turned toward him, Robbert
experienced what he describes as an "electromagnetic"
energy, similar to that which he often experiences in crop circles.
Suddenly Robbert realized that the figure was not human and, at
the same instant, had the very clear sensation that it "knew"
him—in a manner so profound as to be unearthly.
Robbert's drawing of the figure next to the tree-line.
Air-distortion ("mirage" effect) in indicated by squiggly
drawn around both sides of the face.
Source: Robbert v/d Broeke |
The figure turned its' head slowly from side-to-side
and it's heavy eyebrows moved up and down as a "soft, misty,
yellowish-green" light shot out of the eyes in Robbert's direction.
Robbert thinks he heard the electrostatic "crackling"
sound again also, at which point he turned and ran back toward his
The whole group, none of whom had seen either the
strange figure or the flash of light from its' eyes then walked
(with some apprehension) to this area near the tree-line, but the
figure was no longer there. Instead a new "dumbbell" type
crop formation—again with a white powder in the
center of the larger circle—lay about 10m into
the field in front of the trees, the path connecting the two circles
pointing directly toward the spot where Robbert had observed the
#4 – June 29th,
"Dumbbell" formation pointing toward
spot in trees where Robbert saw
figure with flashing eyes.
Photo: Peter Vanlaerhoven |
Larger circle of dumbbell design, with white powder in center. |
Photos: Peter v/d Broeke |
When the group left the field that night it was
about 1:30 am June 29th and Robbert was complaining of a "heavy
pressure" in his head and of feeling very, very tired. In spite
of this he said that he was certain that real "progress"
was occurring.
Because he had not brought along the necessary supplies,
Peter could not sample the white powder that night, but did get
a good sample the next morning. Peter Vanlearhoven, from the DCCA,
also visited the field and we thank him for his photographs used
in this report.
"Woodenhead" #5: 18.2m Pictogram with "F" Key
Date: July 1, 2007
Crop: Wheat
During Sunday, June 30th, Robbert once again felt
great tension and angst and felt he must return to the field. Shortly
after midnight he and Ellen headed back again to the Bosschenhoofd
field, arriving in 10-15 minutes. Robbert, feeling dizzy and markedly
agitated, again walked out into the field alone, trying to quiet
himself. He stopped when he was about 50m away from Ellen and she
states she could clearly see him rapidly fluttering his hands in
front of his face (a behavior Robbert often engages in when experiencing
great tension--he later told me that, due to his extreme angst that
night, he was totally unable to stop these hand movements for several
After about 15 minutes he returned to where Ellen
was standing, now much calmer, although covered in perspiration.
By 12:30 am (only 15-20 minutes after arriving at the field) Robbert
and Ellen decided to leave and return home.
Mrs. v/d Broeke was still up when Robbert arrived
at home and they talked for awhile in the kitchen, Robbert saying
that he could again feel both a "Mary" energy and a "UFO"
energy over the field, both very strong. He then drew a new diagram
of a long pictogram which he felt would occur in the field soon
and, leaving the drawing with his mother, went to bed.
rough sketch
(drawn @ about 1:30am , July 1st)
of crop circle which he thought would occur
soon at "Woodenhead" field.
Drawing: Robbert v/d Broeke |
Mrs. v/d Broeke showed the drawing to her husband
the next morning and at around 8am on July 1st Peter again drove
to the field and found what was to be the final crop formation to
appear in the "Woodenhead" field in 2007. Although the
long new pictogram did not exactly match Robbert's rough sketch
made the night before, it did incorporate an "ankh" symbol
(created by a ringed ellipse, a pathway with a cross-bar), a ringed
large center circle with a "key" symbol jutting out from
one side, and two smaller circles down at the end.
It was the longest of the "Woodenhead" formations
to appear so far, approximately 56-57 ft. long overall (18.2m),
and the most intricate. It was also the last to appear in the "Woodenhead"
field in 2007.
#5 – July 1, 2007
A 57 ft. long (18.2m) complex pictogram.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
#5 – lay detail in ringed circle component.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
Photo: Peter Vanlearhoven |
Robbert has emphasized that all five of these 2007
Bosschenhoofd crop formations contained strong "healing"
energies – for people and for the earth itself. He felt strongly
that they had occurred "for the people" (so that many
people could visit them and experience these energies). But the
farmer was consistent in his reluctance to allow public access to
the formations and so very few people did, in fact, see them first-hand.
Robbert also told me that he thinks the white powder
might have healing properties itself….
White Powder Analysis
Quite a lot of white powder was retrieved by
Peter v/d Broeke from the three different crop circles, samples
of which were submitted for analysis to Dr. Jaap J. Boon, a Materials
scientist and Professor of Analytical Mass Spectrometry at the University
of Amsterdam.
Total quantity
of white powder retrieved from
"Woodenhead" crop formations in 2007.
Photo: N.Talbott |
SEM, SEMEDX and FTIR analyses were carried out at the FOM Institute
(Society for Fundamental Research of Materials), a materials science
laboratory in Amsterdam. Using an FEI FSEM (type XL30) machine a
typical photo (at 2000x) shows all of the samples to be made up
of flakey crystals, all basically similar in morphology.
SEM photo (2000x) of white material from "Woodenhead"
crop circles
shows all samples to be made up of similar "flakey crystals."
Source: Report, Dr. Jaap J. Boon (Spring
2008) |
Elemental composition, determined by energy dispersed
x-ray analysis (EDX) in the FEI FSEM XL30, was found to be essentially
the same in all the samples [Mg5 (CO 3) 4 (OH) 2 . 4 H2O]
indicating the presence of the elements carbon, oxygen
and magnesium with trace amounts of chloride.
EDX indicates
white powder is same elemental
composition in all 3 samples.
Source: Report, Dr. Jaap J. Boon (Spring
2008) |
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectrum of the white material
matched the composition of the magnesium carbonate hydrate known
as "hydromagnesite."
FTIR spectrum of white powder from 2007 "Woodenhead" cropcircles.
Source: Report, Dr. Jaap J. Boon (Spring
2008) |
So, from Dr. Jaap J. Boon's anaylsis of the white
powder samples we know that, as in the rotating Ball-of-light incident
at Robbert's balcony in August, 1997
all of the white powder deposits found at "Woodenhead"
in 2007 are once again magnesium carbonate. There are multiple and
quite varied commonly available products incorporating this substance
(from pharmaceuticals and inks to agriculture and sports products),
but it is interesting to note that in the particular chemical formulation
found here it is mostly used as a fire retardant.
BLT Research Team consultants are now conducting our
own EDS, SEM and IR examinations here in the USA and we expect to
also utilize the x-ray diffraction technique. If any additional
information becomes available it will be appended to this report.
in "Thought Bubble" formation—
only formation not yet harvested
by mid-August, 2007.
Photo: Andreas Muller |
The events reported here are, we know, extraordinary.
And probably very difficult for most people to accept. We are also
aware that, as Carl Sagan so quotably intoned in the 1980 TV documentary
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, "extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence."
Reasonable people are certainly entitled to such evidence,
if it is possible to actually obtain it. We (the BLT Research Team)
are preparing two more reports this summer (2008) which will provide
additional information regarding the phenomenal nature of events
occurring around Robbert van den Broeke. And two fully-credentialed
professional scientists have also recently begun evaluating Robbert's
situation and are gathering new data--which, when published, we
hope will both substantiate our observations over the years and
provide greater insight into the nature of these phenomena.
Crop circles also occurred in several other locations
in southern Holland in 2007 (see the Dutch Crop Circle Association's
web-site http://www.dcca.nl/new.htm)
. Our thanks to one of the DCCA's members, Peter Vanlearhoeven,
for allowing us to use some of his photos.
Thanks also to Mrs. Ellen Gomez and Mr. & Mrs.
van den Broeke for their help in writing this report, and Mr. v/d
Broeke for providing both a few of his many photos as well as Dr.
Jaap J. Boon's report on the white powder, and to Andreas Muller,
a German colleague, for providing the red BOL diagrams. And thanks
to everybody for speaking to me in English—I know this requires
considerable effort for at least some of these participants.
The two additional BLT reports will be posted
soon—please check the "UPDATES"
section of the BLT web-site for these postings. The next
report will include an array of "anomalous" light phenomena
photographs taken recently by Robbert at "Woodenhead"
& other 2007 crop circle sites (as well as other locations)
and will also include some of his light phenomena photos from earlier
years. We hope to have this report posted by the end of May–early
June, 2008.
A third report will present details and photographs
illustrating what can only be called astounding developments in
this case--it will be posted during the summer of 2008, as soon
as it is completed.
© 2008
BLT Reseach Team Inc.
All Rights Reserved
photos/Illustrations can not be reproduced in any media except
with written permission from the photographer or illustrator |