The events described in this report
all occurred in a field near the small village of Bosschenhoofd,
in southern Holland. Although unknown to Robbert v/d Broeke,
this field had been rented for the summer by a farmer from
nearby Hoeven-a man who has had crop circles form in his fields
in Hoeven in past years and who steadfastly refuses to consider
the possibility that these circles represent a "real" phenomenon.
Because of this farmer's ire Robbert and his family have sincerely
hoped that the circles would choose other locations than his
fields in which to appear. When it was discovered that this
same farmer had rented the Bosschenhoofd field in which the
circles occurred in 2007, it seemed like a bizarre twist of
It is curious that "Bosschenhoofd" translates loosely into
English as "Wooden-head." |
Prior to the events described in this report,
the 2007 crop circle season had begun early in Holland, with a 3-circle
formation occurring in grass on March 13th near Hoeven. As has consistently
occurred over the past 13-14 years a young Dutchman, Robbert van
den Broeke, had experienced a "vision" at his home on
the previous night in which he "saw" the circles actually
forming— but on this occasion in a markedly different
manner than in previous years. This time he described "seeing"
a very large "space ship" hovering over the field--from
which five small "metal-looking satellite" objects emerged
and descended down to the field to actually form the circles. For
details see:
This description of an apparently "hard-bodied"
UFO being involved differs from most of Robbert's past observances
(some visual, others perceived in "visions"), in which
various light phenomena (not solid craft)
were seen to be directly associated with new crop circles forming.
But this aberration was to be only the first of many over the summer
of 2007.
"WOODENHEAD" #1: 4-Circle
Pictogram Date Formed: Night of June
20-21, 2007
Crop: Wheat
On June 19th Robbert told me on the telephone he was
certain that a new crop circle would occur near Hoeven very soon.
As has been the case with Robbert for many years, he experiences
a build-up of a particular sort of "energy" or tension
for several days prior to a new circle's appearance, and this time
his angst was very strong.
The following night (June 20-21) Robbert experienced
another "vision" in which he clearly saw a field in a
nearby village (Bosschenhoofd) next to a small local airport; he
also felt what he perceived as "UFO energy" (which he
says was strong, but also "sweet and healing") over this
field. And although the energy seemed definitely stronger than usual
Robbert was certain it was a positive, healing energy. As in the
earlier March 13th circle near Hoeven, he again saw "little
satellites" actually flattening a new design into the field.
Before going to bed that night, Robbert drew a picture
of the new crop circle and left it, along with a description of
the location observed in his "vision," so that his father
could find the field and look for a new crop formation the next
morning. As you can see (below) he has added the words "ufo
energie" to his drawing.
drawing of the "celtic cross" crop circle seen in his vision,
the night of June 20, 2007.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke. |
Robbert almost never goes alone into the fields
at night anymore, to avoid speculation that he, personally, has
flattened the designs into the fields. Instead he either tells his
parents or, if they have gone to bed, occasionally leaves a drawing
or a note for his father (Peter), who then goes in the morning to
whatever location Robbert has indicated to find and photograph any
new circle before it has become trampled by visitors.
On the morning of June 21 Peter found Robbert's drawing
and at 8 am went to the Bosschenhoofd field, but could not find
the crop circle. Because he had a business meeting that morning
he did not spend as much time looking as he would have, otherwise.
An hour or so later (9-9:30am) Robbert's mother and
a friend, Ellen Gomez, went to the same field and they did
find a crop circle—but it did not look exactly
as Robbert had predicted. Instead of a 5-circle "Celtic
Cross" formation (as drawn by Robbert the night before) they
found only 4 circles: three small circles (1.5m, 1.5m and 2m-diameter)
spaced around the perimeter of a larger, 6m-diameter center circle.
Robbert's drawings of crop formations
he "sees" in his visions as occurring soon usually look
very much like what is actually found in the fields subsequently.
This time, the actual crop circle found in the field was missing
one circle.
#1, June 21, 2007
(large center circle & 3 smaller circles).
Diagram & Photo: Peter v/d Broeke. |
The summer of 2007 included many more "atypical"
events. The 5th circle in this formation did occur (eventually)
and it's appearance, and multiple other events, occurred with several
witnesses present.
At home later on the morning of June 21st , while
Mrs. v/d Broeke was telling Robbert about having found the new formation,
Robbert had another "vision" in which he saw Mary (the
Virgin Mary) bathed in a bluish light standing above the formation
with her hands wide open and "rainbows" falling from her
hands to the ground. He also saw a "rippling" in the air
around her, similar to the mirage effect one sees in the desert.
He had a strong sense that there was an energy in the rainbows which
was intended to help raise human consciousness—and that increased
human awareness was becoming increasingly important.
Photos of the new formation taken that first and second
day show a very typical anti-clockwise, swirled lay pattern, as
well as a degree of node bending which is greater than that which
control studies would attribute to photo- or gravitropism (natural
plant recovery processes in which young, vigorously growing crop
has been shown to require a minimum of 3-4 days to cause this degree
of node bending).
Center (6m-diameter)
circle of first "Woodenhead"
crop formation showing typical spiral lay pattern.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
on June 22nd, about 38 hrs after formation occurred
Photo: Peter Vanlearhoven |
"WOODENHEAD" #1a: 5th
Circle Added to #1 Date: June 25, 2007
Crop: Wheat
A few nights later, on June 25th, Robbert had a strong
feeling he should return to the field and by 9:30 pm he and Ellen
Gomez had arrived and were standing inside the existing 4-circle
formation. Immediately he again sensed a strong "Mary"
energy present in the field but, as it had begun to rain, Robbert
and Ellen drove off to McDonald's for a late-night snack, returning
again after the rain had stopped—about 11pm.
Entering the formation again they were amazed to find
a new circle (1.5m-diam.) added to the formation--which now completed
the 5-circle design originally seen by Robbert in his "vision"
on June 20th. Both Robbert and Ellen are certain it was not present
at about 10pm that night, when they left the field to go to McDonald's.
#1a w/5th circle added
on morning of June 26, 2007.
Diagram: Peter v/d Broeke
Photo: Peter Vanlaerhoven |
"WOODENHEAD" #2: 4-Circle
"Thought Bubble" Date: June
25-26, 2007
Crop: Wheat
But events of that night were not yet over. Minutes
after discovering the new 5th circle added to the first formation,
Robbert visually observed a smoky "white mist" floating
over another section of the field 80-100 away and again felt a very
strong "Mary" energy was present. [Similar smoky mists
have often been photographed in and near crop circles all over the
world—when no actual fog was present and no one was smoking.]
White "fog"
or "mist" photographed at "Woodenhead"
field in August, 2007.
No fog present, no one smoking.
Photo: Robbert v/d Broeke |
Leaving Ellen in the first formation, Robbert
walked off toward the mist, and the strong "Mary" energy.
Suddenly a loud electrostatic cracking noise ("like french-fries
cooking in oil") occurred, startling Robbert and prompting
him to return to Ellen immediately. He thought a new formation must
have just occurred, but when he and Ellen searched for one, at first
they found nothing.
A few minutes later Robbert and Ellen re-checked the
field again and, this time, they did find a new, pristine, 4-circle
"thought bubble" with circle-size descending from an 8m-diameter
circle down to the smallest circle of 1.5m-diameter. As in the first
formation the crop was flattened in a gentle anti-clockwise spiral
in all four circles.
#2 – June 26th
A 4-circle "Thought Bubble"
Diagram: Peter v/d Broeke
Photo: Peter Vanlaerhoven |
Ball of Light & Single Ellipse
(1st White Powder Deposit) Date
Formed: June 27-28, 2007
Crop: Wheat Two nights later, on the evening
of June 27th, Robbert was again experiencing the intense restlessness
and anxiety that he has learned to recognize ususally preceeds the
appearance of a new crop circle. He called Ellen Gomez again to
see if she would accompany him back to the Bosschenhoofd field.
According to Ms. Gomez, Robbert told her he thought there would
be more "proof" of the phenomenon appearing in the field.
He also specifically asked her if she would be "afraid if a
light-ball should appear near her if he were not standing right
next to her"—and whether she would be fearful if he should
somehow "disappear" or be "transported?"
Robbert's mother, over-hearing this conversation and
sensing that these questions might indicate a pre-knowledge of some
sort on Robbert's part, became alarmed that Ellen might, in fact,
become afraid if such events transpired and might therefore leave
Robbert alone in the field. Although it is impossible to expect
people who are not truly familiar with Robbert's situation to grasp
the significance of Robbert's questions to Ellen, Mrs. v/d Broeke
knew very well they were meaningful—and, not wanting to take
the chance that Robbert might be left alone in the field, she decided
to accompany Robbert and Ms. Gomez that night.
It is probably a good thing that she did so.
The two women and Robbert arrived at the field about
11:00 pm, going first to see the original "Celtic cross"
crop circle and then to the second "thought bubble" pictogram,
where they could see that the wheat was already beginning to recover.
All three then returned to the "Celtic cross" crop circle
where both Ellen and Mrs. v/d Broeke reported sensing an "unusual"
energy, with Mrs. v/d Broeke stating she felt her "insides
spinning" and feeling as if she "might lose her balance."
They all are of the opinion that about an hour had elapsed at this
Robbert had become very restless and began to walk
down a tram-line farther into the field, stopping about 50m away
and to the right of the women. At this distance Mrs. v/d Broeke
and Ellen could only see Robbert's silhouette but they both continued
to watch him as he stood still in the field for another 5 minutes
or so.
Then both women state that Robbert's silhouetted figure
suddenly disappeared and that, simultaneously, a small red ball
of light (BOL) appeared over the field at a location in front of
them, approximately 50-75m to the left of where Robbert had been
standing a second before. The red light-ball was about the size
of a golf-ball and was swinging back and forth just above the crop
surface. At first the women thought the red BOL might be the red
lens on a flash-light, swinging back and forth in the hands of the
farmer as he walked into the field. Both women called out to Robbert,
but there was no answer.
The red ball of light, still in a position in front
of the women, then began to rotate very slowly about 1meter above,
and horizontal to, the crop surface. At first the slowly rotating
ball of light looked like a series of red dashed lines in the shape
of a circle in the air.
Red light
ball moves across field to a position in front of the
women; at first it moves slowly & looks like"dashes"
in air. |
Then it began to spin much faster and took on
the appearance of a solid, thin, continuous ring of red light, still
rotating horizontally to the crop surface. After a short period
it then altered both it's speed and angle, now looking like a solid
red ring rotating at about a 45 degree angle to the crop surface.
Light ball
now moving faster, looking like a solid ring. |
Red light
ball now rotating very fast, and at a
45 degree angle to the field. |
Suddenly the red line became a red ball of light
again which began bouncing up and down, down into and then up above
the crop in what appeared to be exactly the same location, 3 times--after
which it just disappeared. Where it had just "gone out"
Robbert was now standing, his dark silhouette clearly
visible to both his mother and Mrs. Gomez.
Red ball
of light bouncing up & down 3 times before disappearing. |
(a) = Robbert's
position relative to 2 witnesses before he disappeared.
(b) = Robbert's position 50-75m to the left when he re-appeared
seconds later.
(c) = location of all red BOL activity, 50m in front of witnesses.
All Graphics: Andreas Muller |
The women called to him and he slowly walked
toward them. As he reached them he said he had seen a tiny red light
(like a "firefly") circling just above his head and heard
a very brief "chuuuk" sound, but that then he must have
"blacked out" because he couldn't remember anything else.
He was a little dizzy and asked the women if they had been able
to see him the whole time, apparently suspecting that he may have
disappeared and that something strange had happened. Ellen estimated
that Robbert was "missing" for no more than 30 seconds
to 1 minute and both women believe the entire red ball of light
incident lasted only about 5 minutes.
Although Robbert was a little disoriented it appeared
that he was basically OK. The women told him what they had witnessed
and all three then walked back to the area of the field where Robbert
had originally been standing—and there they found a brand
new, slightly elliptical, approximately 3m-diameter circle, with
a large pile of white powder deposited in its center. Upon closer
inspection the following morning it was clear that the bulk of this
white powder was lying beneath the flattened plants.
#3 – June 28th
3m-diameter ellipse with white powder.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
#3 – White powder @ 8am next day
(Mr. v/d Broeke took only a small amount the previous night).
Majority of powder is clearly lying underneath
flattened plants.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
#3 – Plant material lying on top of
white powder had to be removed in order to gather rest of
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
After finding the new ellipse Robbert and the
two women decided to leave the field, reaching the v/d Broeke home
at about 12:30 am. I happened to be on the phone with Robbert's
father (we had been talking for perhaps 10 minutes) when the group
returned and I could hear Mrs. v/d Broeke's agitated voice as she
entered the house, telling her husband what had just happened. For
several minutes Peter was translating for me as his wife described
the night's events to her husband, and it was quite clear she was
in an excited state—not typical of her demeanor generally.
While still on the phone with Mr. v/d Broeke I urged
him to drive back to the field that night in order to get a sample
of the white material before it could become contaminated in any
way, which he did as quickly as he could gather up his sampling
equipment. Because of the darkness he took only a small amount of
the white powder that night (this was bagged separately), returning
to the field again very early the next morning to gather up the
rest of the material.
It appears that the entire time-period spent in the
field by Robbert and the two women was not more than an hour and
ten minutes (allowing 20 minutes travel-time to and back from the
field). After going on trips with Robbert myself to the fields (on
other occasions when he has had a strong feeling that something
is going to happen) I know that he usually does not stay very long
at any particular location—usually not more than an hour. And, further,
that if something unusual is going to
happen, it almost always does so fairly soon after his (our) arrival.
How Did Robbert Get From One Section of
the Field to the Other?
This is not the first time the question has arisen
as to whether or not Robbert could have been physically
transported from one place to another, but not under
his own steam. Many years ago he repeatedly reported "watching"
(in what he thought were "dreams" or "visions")
new crop circles form from an aerial perspective, as if he had been
hovering over the field at the time. In several other instances
he had had "dreams" in which he was present at the field,
standing on the dike running along it's side and watching as the
circle formed. On more than one of these occasions he awoke abruptly
in his bed within an hour or so of going to sleep—to find
himself dressed in pants he had not worn to bed upon which mud was
clearly visible.
In one instance in 2000 he had awakened in bed to
find that, not only was he now wearing sweatpants he had not worn
to bed, the pants were discovered to have a burned hole in the back
of one leg (although the hair on his leg was not even singed) and
mud around the bottoms of the legs.
pants after awakening from a "dream" in 2000
in which he "saw" himself at a distant field,
watching a new crop circle form.
Photo: Peter v/d Broeke |
In this particular case in 2000 a crop circle was
found in the field Robbert had seen in his "dream" (and
subsequently described to his parents). The fact that the field
involved on this occasion was a considerable distance away from
his home, in combination with the fact that Robbert does not drive
a car and at this time used only a bicycle for transportation (bicycle
was always locked securely in the garage every night)—and
further that it is known for certain in this case that only about
one hour had elapsed between Robbert's going to bed and his waking
up to find himself in the burned and muddy pants—all preclude
any possibility of Robbert having actually gone to the field in
any "normal" manner. There simply was not enough time
for him to get there and back--much less to flatten a crop circle.
During these years he also reported several instances
in which he would go to bed as usual but would wake up out in the
field behind his house—always lying in, or near, a new circle.
As a result of such events Robbert would occasionally ask me, "Do
I fly through the air?"
Another incident in 2003 (which I have discussed in
some of my lectures) involved a large ball of light (BOL) which
approached Robbert one evening while he was out riding his bicycle
along a rural road. He remembers visually seeing the light-ball
coming toward him, then his body being engulfed by the light ball
and picked up into the air. His last conscious memory was of his
bicycle falling away as he was lifted up. Later that night when
he regained consciousness he found himself lying in the grass at
the edge of a highway, some 17 km away from his home--with his bicycle,
camera, leather jacket and sweater all missing.
Grassy area
at end of hedge next to highway is spot where Robbert regained
consciousness—a multi-circle crop formation was in the
field nearby.
Photo: N.Talbott |
In this 2003 case, also, a new crop circle was
present in the field just below the embankment upon which Robbert
regained his senses. A "sparkling rainbow" moving around
over the field alerted Robbert to the circle's presence and, when
he went into it, he found his jacket and sweater lying inside the
large center circle. Eventually he also found his bicycle along
an access road not too far away--his expensive new camera was never
In spite of many such events over the years, there
had been no eye-witnesses (other than Robbert) available to support
these reports. But on the night of June 27-28, 2007 there were
witnesses--two adult women who unequivocally state that Robbert
simply "disappeared" in front of their eyes and then reappeared
30-60 seconds later in a different location—all in conjunction
with the presence of a strange red ball of light and the appearance
of a new crop circle with white powder lying in it's center.
What we are to make of this event is not clear. But
evaluated in the context of other events during the summer of 2007
(two additional reports will be posted as soon as possible), and
considering also the massive number of other phenomenal situations
involving Robbert over many years, it is clear to those of us who
know Robbert that something significant is taking place. See: