Since moving to his own home more than a year ago Robbert has not been able to see his many clients who had been coming to him regularly for "readings" or "healings" when he lived at his parents' home. One night in mid-2012 he experienced a vision during which he got the message that he should "concentrate" himself on the unconditional loving energy which helps him work with his clients and--while in direct contact and with this energy streaming through him -- make an inked thumbprint which could then be copied onto a small card for all the people Robbert is unable to see personally.
Robbert got the clear information that when people place their thumbs on his thumbprint, they will themselves make contact with this "God-Source," and
that love, light, healing and inner peace will stream through them all by itself.
Robbert's Netherland friends did make such a card for him, in Dutch, for his clients there. And, when a Canadian supporter of Robbert's work heard about these cards, she offered to design and print up the same sort of card-in English--for his friends in other parts of the world.
The cards are free to anyone who would like one, requring only that people send a self-addressed, correctly stamped envelope to Nancy Talbott at the address listed at the bottom of the front of the card.
Back side of Robbert's English thumbprint card.
It is hoped that these cards may bring comfort, great love and inner peace to everyone who has one. The cards don't weigh very much, but if several of them are desired please make sure to put enough return postage on your self-addressed envelope so they are sure to reach you.