We are delighted to announce the much-anticipated arrival of Robbert v/d Broeke's new web-site: http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/home. The site is still "in progress," but there are many photos and video clips already posted which have not yet been seen by most people. At the moment the text is entirely in Dutch, but eventually at least some of it will be translated into English -- especially details of Robbert's increasing understanding of the "meaning" of many of the amazing events which constantly occur around him.
At the moment crop circle enthusiasts may want to see the many photos of various crop circles which have appeared in recent years in Robbert's area of Southern Holland (http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/graancirkelarchief), posted in the "Graancirkel archief" section.
July 9, 2010 -- "Cross" & "signature" in wheat -- Standdaarbuiten, Holland.
Photo: Yvonne Raaijmakers & Ronald Sikking.
People interested in Robbert's anomalous photos will find many not made public before in the "Foto's" section (http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/foto).
One of the new images is of this whimsical figure which first appeared earlier in the evening of July 5, 2010 when Robbert was out at his "special" field, but then appeared on his camera repeatedly throughout the rest of the night and into the dawn in Robbert's room at home. This is just one of many new images.
One of multiple photos of this creature taken in Robbert's room,
while it was stil dark outside.
Apparently the same creature, but it is now past dawn & the railings of
Robbert's balcony & field beyond can be seen through the curtain.
One of many different "angel" images to appear in Robbert's photos recently.
And now, for the first time, some amazing video clips are shown in the section labeled "Video" (http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/video), starting with an edited segment shot by William Gazecki in December, 2010 on his first visit to the Netherlands to meet Robbert. This clip, although considerably shortened on Robbert's website, documents multiple images of deceased filmmaker Aaron Russo appearing spontaneously on Robbert's digital camera -- as William had his first experience of videotaping Robbert capturing various people's images while using a digital camera.
December, 2010 -- Images of Aaron Russo began to appear on
Robbert's digital camera during William Gazecki's
first videotaping session w/Robbert.
A different image of Aaron appears as Robbert feels his "presence"
during Gazecki's first video session w/Robbert. Russo was
William's "mentor" many years ago.
It is critical that the viewer be aware that Robbert knew nothing about William Gazecki other than the fact that he had produced a crop circle video (Crop Circles: Quest For Truth) some years earlier and that he was a friend of mine. And also that neither Robbert nor I had ever heard of Aaron Russo or knew that he had been Gazecki's "mentor" in the film industry many years ago...that his image was the first one to manifest during Gazecki's visit was stunning to us all.
A much more complete version of the Aaron Russo session, as well as two subsequent sessions with Gazecki in 2010 (during which John Lennon's face appeared and, then, a "Vietnamese star-child" image) will be available on both Robbert's website and the BLT website in the not too far distant future. For now, the "stills" from the Lennon videotaped session are posted in Robbert's "Foto's" section (http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/foto/John-Lennon).
December, 2010. One of the clearest of the images of John Lennon which
appeared during William Gazecki's 2nd videotaping of Robbert
using a digital camera.
Readers should be aware that Lennon died the year Robbert was born. And, although Robbert had heard of the Beatles, of course, and knew Lennon's name, he was not really acquainted with Lennon's music. Why Lennon's image would appear during this 2nd videotaped session none of us know, but it is not the first time that a world-famous face of someone we all know has died has appeared.
Then, beginning in October, 2011, something else began to occur. Robbert's friend Stan visit's Robbert nearly every week, staying for a few days each time, and Stan is (unlike Robbert) comfortable with a wide range of modern technology. Although Robbert has occasionally used a video camera himself, Stan is much more at ease with camcorders and has begun to use one to document the appearance of a wide variety of unknown beings which are now regularly appearing when Robbert feels a "presence" in his home.
Usually these manifestations occur after midnight or in the early morning hours. Robbert's new apartment has a large window in the living room, in front of which is hung a solid blue curtain. When Robbert begins to feel an "energy" present he pulls the curtain across the entire window and sits in the chair in front of it and begins to focus. Stan positions himself approximately three meters away, with the camcorder aimed at Robbert, turns it on, and then lets it run.
Stan (on Left) holding camcorder about 3 meters away from chair
in which Robbert sits during filming. Note that radiator
behind chair & the table are both white.
GVC Everio HD Camcorder Stan has been using in videotaping
sessions with Robbert since October, 2011.
On December 15, 2011 what Robbert described to me as a "troll-like" being, a jolly
"nature spirt" appeared in blue, apparently turning off the camera when it "left."
[It is impossible to tell where this image is positioned in space.]
On November 15th a red figure appeared. Here we can see it is not really near
Robbert but must be closer to Stan & in front of the white table
...which is now pink.
[Blue arrows point to whiteness of radiator & far corner of table.]
In the images of figures which are larger a piece of interesting information emerges. In some of the clips shot by Stan the being or creature which has manifested is relatively small and very localized, usually right in front of Robbert's face, and it is impossible to know how close to or far away from Robbert the manifested image is. But in other clips -- those in which the manifested image is larger and which, so far, have all been in color -- we can see that the color of the manifested image is altering the color of the white table in front of Robbert, indicating the image must be actually closer to the camera and to Stan than it is to Robbert.
Other relevant points reported by Stan include the fact that (a) Stan does not see the manifested images with his eyes, (b) he does not see the manifested images on the camera's LED screen while he is taping, (c) when the image is "finished appearing" the camera usually shuts off all by itself, and (d) the images are seen by both Stan and Robbert immediately after the camera has stopped recording.
In some instances Robbert will feel that the "energy" is going away and, when this happens, Stan will turn the camera off himself. But most often it is the camera turning itself off which lets Stan and Robbert know that an image of some kind has, in fact, appeared.
The BLT website will continue to post new reports about Robbert. But we suggest that you also check Robbert's website regularly, since new material is being posted there constantly: http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/home.
Is it possible that William James loves Robbert? He would certainly have been
highly intrigued... (Photographer unknown.)