Born in Java, Indonesia as Xandra Reemer, "Sandra" was a musically-gifted child who began singing in public and recording while not yet in her teens. After her family moved to the Netherlands she recorded her first record at age 11 and, later on, as a young adult, began to work in Dutch television, eventually becoming one of the hosts of a hugely popular TV variety show.
Jos Brink & Sandra Reemer on Dutch TV, 1986.
Sandra was raised in the Catholic faith but has not been involved in formal religious practice since her teens. She studied a wide range of religions as a young woman, but it was in recent years that she became increasingly interested in learning more about the possibility of a "larger spiritual reality."
Because of a variety of very dramatic events which resulted from several Dutch television appearances Robbert made many years ago (one of the shows in which he participated received some 60,000 letters and emails after his appearance), Sandra had heard his name and was aware that he had a connection to many of the crop circles in the Netherlands over the years (
In 2009 she spent some time in a few of the British circles and experienced first-hand the "tingling" sensation many crop circle visitors report as well as an overwhelming "loving" sensation so strong that, in one case, she states that she "didn't want to leave" that formation.
In early 2010 Robbert was interviewed on a Dutch radio show where the following week Sandra was also a guest. When the radio host mentioned that Robbert had been on the air the week before, Sandra expressed her opinion that Robbert was 100% truthful and also that she felt the sorrow he suffered because of the attacks on his character made by some Dutch debunkers. She asked the radio host if he would offer her phone number to Robbert, in the hope that Robbert would be willing to meet with her.
Robbert did call Sandra and they set up a meeting. Although Sandra did not know about many things going on around Robbert or the "apparition" photos ( she brought her camera on that first visit because Robbert asked that she do so.
Although Sandra's first visit to see Robbert was not related to a desire on her part to "contact" her friend and long-time TV co-host Jos Brink (who died in 2007), the images of him that appeared on Sandra's camera (a Samsung Techwin, Model #VLUU L830) during that first visit left her "flabbergasted."
Sandra's TV co-host, Jos Brink. Photo taken near
the end of his life.
Shortly after Sandra's arrival at Robbert's office on that first visit Robbert felt a "very strong presence" and asked if he could use her camera. With Sandra's camera set in "auto" and with her standing close to Robbert and watching him carefully, he began to take multiple shots. As they looked back through this first set of images together the photos were all -- as Sandra had expected -- totally normal.
Robbert then began taking a second series (18 total) of photos, again with Sandra standing right next to him, 14 of which contained images of Sandra's deceased co-host Jos Brink. The first shot in this second series was normal (showing only the door to Robbert's office), but shots #2 through #7 show Jos's image, sometimes in front of Robbert's face (when Robbert aims the camera at his own face) and in other photos In which Robbert had aimed the lens toward other areas in his office. In shot #8 (right in the middle of this sequence) the lens was aimed at Sandra and that shot is entirely normal (see photo at beginning of this report) -- but Mr. Brink's image then appears again in shots #9 through #16. The final two photos at the end of the session are also entirely normal.
Only some of the photos from this session are presented here and in most of them we've shown both the original and an enhanced copy. When these images are compared to the photos of Jos (above) you can clearly see that the face which appeared on Sandra's camera is that of her TV co-host.
First image of Jos Brink, Sandra's co-host,
appears as Robbert aims lens at himself.
(Top=original; Bottom=contrast altered)
7th shot in the series, camera now aimed down hallway outside Robbert's office.
(Top=original; Bottom=contrast altered)
9th shot, taken immediately after normal photo of Sandra (at
beginning of report). (Top=original; Bottom=contrast altered)
12th shot (camera aimed at Robbert's face)
shows Jos' image when he was younger.
(Top=original; Bottom=contrast altered)
13th shot (taken 11 seconds after the 12th)
shows Jos again, but as an older man.
(Top=original; Bottom=contrast altered)
15th shot taken approximately 5 minutes later (original photo).
16th shot & the last in which Mr. Brink's image appears. Two normal photos
followed. (Top=original; Bottom="autofix" applied)
This second series of photos was taken over a little more than 8 minutes and, although the camera's flash fired normally in every photo which did not contain Jos Brink's image, when his image does appear the flash never fired. [This in spite of the fact that the camera remained in "auto" during the entire time and the lighting in Robbert's office did not change during the photo session.] Finally, keep in mind the fact that Robbert was using Sandra's camera and she was present and watching him closely the entire time; also that Sandra saw all of the photos, including all of those which contain Mr. Brink's image, immediately after Robbert finished taking them.
Another observation which I strongly suspect is relevant is the fact that the automatic numbering (by the camera) of the images often skips one or several numbers in the expected sequence. This unexplained interruption of any camera's normal numbering behavior has occurred in every single instance I have witnessed during which anomalous images have appeared. Robbert has used multiple different cameras belonging to dozens of different people in hundreds of different photo sessions, and this "skipping" in the numbering of the images regularly occurs -- but only when the images which appear are anomalous.
The only known possible explanation for this number-skipping to occur is if/when the photographer deliberately deletes a photo -- but Robbert never deletes any photos taken when he is using other people's cameras. This automatic number-skipping also never occurs when Robbert has no intuition that any unusual "energy" is present (during which times the photos he takes are always totally normal).
The following year on June 20th (one day after Jos Brink's birth-date) Sandra had a small party at her home, to which Robbert was invited. Robbert was unaware that Jos had been born on June 19th but, during a walk through Sandra's garden with Sandra and several of her friends (including Dutch crop circle researcher Bert Janssen), Robbert became aware of the presence of a "very positive energy" and using Sandra's camera again -- and with her and other witnesses present and watching -- he took these two photos, below.
Two "angel" photos taken in Sandra's garden one day after what would have
been Jos Brink's birthday, were he still alive.
As is the case with the hundreds of other people who have witnessed first-hand Robbert obtaining images of people known to have died or other varied and remarkable photo anomalies, neither Sandra nor any of her guests (who were present when the "angel" photos were taken) observed any indication that Robbert "faked" anything.
As Sandra said to me, she was totally "flabbergasted."
Continue to Part 2 >>